The Complete Physique

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The Complete Physique


Calisthenics teaches you to master your own bodyweight, learn complex skills and uses instability to breed a different strength not seen with weights training. Calisthenics is upper body dominant.

Weightlifting teaches you to tolerate heavy external loads using compound movements that can’t be replicated with bodyweight. That intensity gives rise to denser bones, thicker muscles and an athleticism that translates to most other physical activity. Weightlifting is lower body dominant.

What one lacks, the other makes up for. They fit together like the final two puzzle pieces of the fitness jigsaw.

But how do you combine the two into an effective training program?

The Complete Physique contains two programs:

Program 01 is Calisthenics dominant and aims to improve bodyweight strength using planche, iron cross, back lever, front lever, handstand push ups, pull ups and dips whilst maintaining the squat and deadlift. This program is for those wanting to prioritize calisthenics.

Program 02 is Weightlifting dominant and aims to improve the squat, deadlift, power clean and overhead press whilst maintaining the three key aspects of calisthenics; push (dips), pull (chin ups) and straight arm strength (planche). This program is for those wanting to prioritize weightlifting.

Both programs are written as a 4-week block of training. The intention is that the 4-week block and the supplementary information provided (progressions with demonstrations included) will give you the information needed to progress with this design for 4, 8 or 12 weeks (a deload week should follow every 4-week block).

The Complete Physique offers a variety of exercises to regress or progress, however, it is best suited to the experienced beginner/intermediate trainee.

Price is in USD.

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